Hi, my name is Joe. My intent with this website is to provide Seniors with answers, with information, referrals, and resources needed to live an enjoyable and productive life.

What makes me an expert? Well, I was born in 1949…you do the math :-). But I’m not claiming to be an Expert, just a little knowledgeable. I am a volunteer for a non-profit organization (Rath Senior ConNEXTions Center) whose mission is to provide Seniors with advocacy, leadership, resources, education, and services. Why? To enable them to age with independence and dignity.

Although I am a “person of faith”, I will do my best to leave religion and politics to the side…my goal is to include as many of you as possible, and I don’t want to “turn off” anyone with my personal beliefs. We are all entitled to them, but don’t always see “eye to eye”…and that’s OK, I just don’t want that to get in the way of things more important.

Not “Just For Seniors”

But this website isn’t just for Seniors–you might not be Senior, but have neighbors, family members, acquaintances that are, and might find the information here useful…please pass it on.

So, here goes…my first Post? Something that I DO have experience with:



If you have a suggestion for a “How Can Seniors” Post, I welcome comments for those and others at the bottom of this page and that Post. Thanks for stopping by…Joe