“Why should a Senior volunteer?” you might ask. We Seniors are the most aware of what Seniors need, and often have the time to donate to help others.
I turned 72 last year, after retiring from 21 years in the Air Force and then 22 years in the “civilian force”. After moving to Central Florida in 2018, I became involved as a volunteer with a non-profit that serves as a clearing house for education, services, and resources for Seniors in this part of Florida.
I read earlier that there are over 161,000 residents of this County enrolled in Medicare…since Medicare begins at age 65, all of those “residents” are Seniors, as well as those between 50 and 65. Seniors have a wide range of needs to be met, and volunteers can, and do, help.
Before engaging in any of the below ideas, please make sure that they are legitimate–there are those that would take advantage. Your first stop might be your Church, Synagogue, Temple, Mosque, or other institutions…they might even need your help!!!
Do you drive?
Seniors have transportation needs…some need “things” delivered (food, medicine, etc.). Some need rides to medical appointments, to the grocery store, to the drug store, haircare appointments…sometimes to just “get out”.
Do you have a phone?
Some organizations have “phone buddy” programs that provide phone contact with shut-ins on a periodic basis, to check on their welfare, or to just chat, and let them know that someone cares.
Some of you might be able to help various organizations with your donations for food, clothing, essentials, etc.
Do you have a skill or knowledge to share?
The organization I volunteer for conducts short term (6 week) classes for Seniors, twice a year (Covid allowing). The instructors are volunteers–retired educators, people with language skills (Spanish, and a local Italian restaurant owner from Italy–guess what he teaches), people with extraordinary experiences–an American who grew up in Cuba and left with family in 1961.
Are you an animal lover?
The SPCA and local shelters usually need volunteers to help with rescues, or just visit and play with them.
How about your time?
Is there a live-alone neighbor nearby? Is there someone that would benefit from you just spending some time with them, playing cards or a board game, or just sitting and talking?
Please leave suggestions and/or comments below and thank you for visiting. This is my first Post, so keep checking back for more…Joe.
Cheers to you!
Have a great day,